Cigarette filter as glue Essay

August 20, 2017 Medical

A. Background of the Survey:
This experiment aims to develop a merchandise that would function as an option for some expensive commercial gum. There are many people-using coffin nail and after utilizing they merely flip aside a coffin nail while walking non believing that it can be recycle and used. Commercial gum is comparatively expensive because the stuffs used in fabrication are tissues from animate beings.

B. Problem:
This survey aims to prove the feasibleness of utilizing coffin nail filter as a beginning of gum.

C. Hypothesis:
Alternative- hypothesis:
Cigarette filter is a good beginning in bring forthing gum.
Null- Hypothesis:
Cigarette filter is non a good beginning in bring forthing gum.

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D. Significance:
Glue is really common used in places. schools and offices. Many people merely toss aside a coffin nail filter and it can be recycled and used. Due to the expensiveness and unaffordable of some gum. many would prefer doing home made gum. Glues from coffin nail filter is low-cost and easy to do.

E. Scope and Limitation:
This survey merely limited by their stickiness. There are many sorts of gums. they are stick gums. paper gums. glister gums and etc. This gum differ harmonizing to its quality. This gum that we made can’t be used as stick gum because the gum that we made is liquid. This survey is limited merely for paper. fabric and wood. F. Definition of Footings:

Cigarette filter- is a foam-like found at the terminal of the coffin nail. Acetone
– is a liquid dissolver for certain oils. etc.
– a co9lorless. highly flammable liquid. used as a dissolver. Nicotine
– a toxicant liquid in baccy
– a toxicant alkaloid. derived from the baccy works used in medical specialty and as an insect powder. Cellulose – an formless polymer. the chief component of all works tissues and fibres. used in the industry of paper. fabrics and explosives. Charter II

Gather all the stuffs
Removed the screen that attached in the filter
Wash the filters by H2O
Dried the filters under the heat of the Sun
Cut the filters into bantam pieces
Put the bantam pieces of filters in a cup or container
Put propanone in the filters and lrt it dissoved
the sudstance was transfered into a clean bottle
Cover and kept in a cool topographic point
Chapter III
Review of Related Literature and Related Surveies:
Historically. gum merely refers to protien colloids prepared from carnal tissues. Glue is basically collogen. a protein derived from the tegument. castanetss and connective tissues of cowss and is an of import by merchandise of the meat packing industry. Although ther are many ingredients used to do gum most expressions contain something called polymers which its nature is gluey. Cigarette filter besides known as coffin nail butts. it contain risky chemicals like cadinium. arsenic and lead. It is made for safer smoke. the row stuffs for the industry or coffin nail filter is celluluse. it is acetylated. dissolved. and spun as continous man-made fibres arranged imto a package called tow. this tow is opened. plasticized. shaped. and cut to move as a filter. Chapter IV

Result and Discussion:
The gum from coffin nail filter had undergone a seviral trial. It was tested in documents and fabrics. to establish out what appropriate concentration is effectual as gum. at the same clip what stuffs is it best used. The information below shows the effectivity of gum from cigarrette filter.

Decision and Recommendation:

Melting procedure were done to bring forth gum from coffin nail filter utilizing propanone as dissolver. It was found out that the gum from coffin nail filter has lesser stickyness belongings than commecial gum. However. the gum from coffin nail filter was able to run into the criterion belongingss of gum. It was cocluded thet the usage of recycled stuffs as a sudstitute of commercial gum for paper is executable


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