“Emotion is stronger than reason.”To what extent is this true in Human Science Essay

September 12, 2017 General Studies

Peoples will do tonss of determinations in their life. some of the determinations are emotional. and some are rational. From my point of position. I think emotion and ground are all of import. and it’s depends on a specific state of affairs and specific individual to make up one’s mind if it’s stronger or non. So my stance is impersonal. If a individual is really rational. most of his determination will be sensible. but if he is a really emotional individual. most of his determination would be emotional. For case. smoke. which is a really emotional determination. because everyone knows coffin nail is bad for our wellness. but some people still can non discontinue smoke.

The ground of this is when they smoke. coffin nail will convey them pleasant esthesis. and those tobacco users will desire more coffin nail. in their head. emotion is stronger than ground. However. on the other manus. there besides have some people who quit smoking successfully or don’t start smoke in the first topographic point. From their position. ground is stronger than emotion.

Another illustration. Apple. a really big company in the universe. the laminitis of it is Steve Jobs. who is besides a emotional individual. because his aim is to do better electronic devices for imposts and have more originative thoughts to do people’s life better. that might do company run out if money. because better quality design will do more money to bring forth it. But. Apple’s stockholders don’t think that manner. they want to do more money. increase the net income. lower the input and maintain this company running. did non believe of if the merchandise is originative. they think more about the hereafter of Apple. so that’s sensible and rational.

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