Hamlet Obituaries Essay

September 28, 2017 General Studies

Hamlet peacefully passed off on March 18. 1585. He was born. and raised. in Denmark. He was born on March 19. 1555. Hamlet is survived by his one and merely true friend Horatio. Hamlet was loved by his female parent. Gertrude. a batch. Sadly She passed off proceedingss before he had. Hamlet had many avocations. which included. fencing. hammering letters. hanging out with his friend. and speaking to shades. He studied in Germany. Hamlets funeral will be on March 22. 1547 at 9:00 autopsy.

Ophelia passed off by submerging on March 13. 1585. She was born. and raised in Denmark. She was born on October 21. 1561. Ophelia is survived by her brother. Laertes and her close friend. Hamlet. Ophelia was loved by Polonius. Laertes and Hamlet. Sadly. her male parent rejected Hamlet so she could ne’er love him. Ophelia ne’er truly had any avocations. but she had a huffy love for flowers because they ever soothed her like cipher else. She besides played the guitar. Ophelia’s funeral will be held on March 15. 1547 at 6:00 autopsy.

Claudius passed off proceedingss before Hamlet on March 18. 1585. He was born. and raised. in Denmark. He was born July 3. 1534. Claudius is survived by Ophelia and Gertrude. Claudius was loved by the 1 and merely Gertrude because Hamlet knew that he killed Hamlet Sr. Claudius cheated his was to the throne. Claudius besides ne’er truly had any avocations. but what he did wish when he was younger was fencing and reading. but other than that. he merely took attention of Denmark. Claudius’s funeral will be held on March 24. 1547 at 7:00 autopsy.

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Gertrude had besides passed off proceedingss before Hamlet on March 18. 1585. She was born on January 23. 1537. Gertrude was born. and raised. in Demark. Gertrude is survived by the 1 and merely Hamlet. and besides Claudius. She knows that Hamlet told her that Claudius killed Hamlet Sr. Gertrude. like Ophelia and Claudius. ne’er truly had any avocations. except for assisting manage Denmark with Claudius because he can’t make it entirely. Gertrude’s funeral will be held on March 23. 1547 at 6:30 autopsy


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