How can Village Volvo differentiate itself from Volvo dealers Essay

September 27, 2017 Philosophy

Assignment 1: Village Volvo
Q-1: Describe Village Volvo’s Service Package
Ans-1: Core Service Package: Quality Repair Service on Out of Warranty Volvos This Consist of Five Components:
Supporting Facility
Facilitating Goods
Explicate Service
Implicit Service

Besides Routine Service like Tune up and Oil Change…
Village Volvo has one Unique Feature that is:

History of Work
Information About Repaired Volvo
History of Fault arise in Volvo
Help Desk for Mechanics

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Beside the Core Service Village Volvo provide Additional Service Like: 1.
Routine Service
Customer Relationship
Historical Tendency
Cost and Time Estimation
Equipped Waiting Room

Q-2: How are the Distinctive Characteristics of a Service Firm illustrated by Village Volvo?
Ans-2: Village Volvo implemented Service bundle which make client Convinced and Comfortable
By and large in Service Operation Management there is one Rule: “If you are able to do client your side your 50 % occupation has to be done” In small town Volvo there are chief three typical things:
Prepared by: Milan Padariya

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Assignment 1: Village Volvo
1. Customer Comfort
2. Trust
3. Respect

Village Volvo Provide good service with extra service.
One other good service is Management Information System in Village Volvo…

Q-3: Characterize Village Volvo in Regard to the nature of the service act. the relationship with clients. customization and judgement. the nature of demand and supply. and method of service bringing.

Ans-3: Following is the appropriate reply
Nature of Service: Customer Participation
Relationship: High Contact with Customer
Customization and Judgment: Very High
Nature of Demand and Supply: Pull

Method of Service Delivery: Case Management Proactive intercession supportive service

Q-4: How Could Village Volvo manages its back office ( i. e. repair operation ) like a mill.
Ans-4: Village Volvo manages its back office by following ways: 1. Proper Spare Parts Management
2. Provide Next Service day of the month and have a record with Village Volvo so. it will assist for day-to-day and hebdomadal Planning.
3. Differentiate Emergency and Routine
That is from Village Volvo…

As per my cognition Village Volvo Should utilize some Quality Philosophy Like 5S of Quality Management
1st Second: Sort
2nd Second: Set in Order

Prepared by: Milan Padariya

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Assignment 1: Village Volvo
3rd Second: Radiance
4th Second: Standardize
fifth Second: Sustain

There are more three S of Quality Management
6th Second: Safety
7th Second: Security
8th Second: Satisfaction

Q-5: How can Village Volvo distinguish itself from Volvo trader? Ans-5: Village Volvo can distinguish itself from Volvo trader from following ways: 1.
Differentiation Through Service Excellence
Integrated Virtual Call Centre
Integrated Service Network
Proactive offer gross revenues service
Customer Touch point Management
Smart Service agent

It is indispensable to guarantee consistent client Experience across touch point which reenforce your trade name and sends the message to client that you understand them good.

Overall Decision:
This is all about Service Operation Management ( SOM ) .
So. whatever of all time Philosophy is for Service Operation Management which is related to Village Volvo like…
Dimension of Service
Perceived Service Quality
Expected Service
Perceived Service

Prepared by: Milan Padariya

Page 3

Assignment 1: Village Volvo
Chiefly three dimensions considered in Service Operation Management… 1. Clairvoyance: Expectation no met: Unsatisfactory: Customer non Happy I want to add one more thing:
In Village Volvo there are two Possibilities:
1. Einsteinium


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