Differences between unitary, pluralistic and radical frame of reference

June 10, 2019 Management

The first differences between unitary, pluralistic and radical frame of reference is their view about conflict arises between employees and employers. Unitary theory rejects the basic antagonism between both because this theory insists all the parties might work together for common goal and shared purpose, so there is no conflict on self-interest. However, pluralistic theory mention conflict is the natural and inevitable issue between employees and employers due to the inherent competing interest. In the view of pluralistic theory, the presence of conflict is because the imbalance and division between interest of capital and labour.

Secondly, the power of authority also attaches importance by these theories. For unitary theory, the management team is the only party who hold the authority where the employees do not have any right in decision making and make a statement. In contrast, pluralistic theory says that the power apportions equally between all the interested parties. Radical theory persists the management is the one who holds the higher power because it is the head of decision making.

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Thirdly, the perspectives about trade union between the theories are different too. Trade union is view as intruders in unitary theory because it will complicate the running of management. Pluralistic theory encourages the form of trade union as it believes trade union is the legitimate right of workers to get their benefits and incentives. Radical theory allows the form of trade union but the function of it has been restricted as expressing and mobilizing the conscious only. The trade union exists when the employees responses to the capitalism of the organization.


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