The Crucible- Themes Of Fear, Guilt And Revenge Essay

October 10, 2017 General Studies

In life. emotions can move as incentives for classs of action. peculiarly the feelings of fright. guilt and retaliation. Arthur Miller’s play The Crucible shows these subjects put to utilize on a figure of occasions. The play’s legion characters and relationships provide a overplus of illustrations where the subjects are employed. It is through their actions that their emotions and motivations are revealed. helping us in understanding the steps they’ve taken.

Fear can drive people to actions of cowardliness and dishonesty. Mary Warren displays this anxiousness when she allows Abigail to scare her into abandoning John Proctor and impeaching him of witchery. This leaves him unable to turn out the girls’ bearing false witness and at the clemency of the Judgess who are speedy to enforce guilt. Reverend Parris besides displayed an influence by fright when he urged the Judgess to reprobate the accused and encouraged the accused to squeal. He believed that this would assist him go on to look moral in the town during immoral and unfair proceedings. Should he lose his frontage of morality. he would lose his place of power as clergyman. Both Mary Warren and Parris threw others in the line of fire when they had the chance to assist. turn outing the negative effects fear can hold on people’s judgement.

Guilt can coerce a good individual to make the right thing. demoing the potentially positive effects of an basically negative sentiment. John Proctor wanted to squeal to the charge of witchery and live. However. he chose non to squeal and stain the names of the staying accused. He knew the guilt of his confession would be excessively great a load to populate with. Revered Hale’s guilt of reprobating the guiltless “witches” to decease was his chief incentive in recommending Proctor’s disposition to squeal. Guilt can use much strain on the scruples of a individual. hopefully with a positive wake.

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The power of retaliation can enfeeble and even destruct when orchestrated decently.

Abigail produced the paramount illustration of retaliation at work. and manifested a enchantress panic in Salem to penalize John Proctor for rejecting her progresss. Thomas Putnam besides struck back at those who denied him. slaying his neighbours as enchantresss and claiming their land. Both Abigail and Putnam portion the qualities of certitude and craftiness so retaliation could hold been something expected of them both. The effects of their retaliation tactics make the brace two of the most flagitious characters.

These obliging subjects of fright. guilt and retaliation will arouse people to take really utmost classs of action. It is the picks one makes that they are judged on. because your picks are dictated by the individual you are. It is even one’s determination whether or non to allow emotions overcast your opinion. However. once the picks are made and the result is witnessed your strength of character is revealed. Unfortunately it isn’t ever the deserving persons that take the autumn. John Proctor realized his best retaliation on the guilty would be to abstain from confession and go forth them with the fright that people wouldn’t base for the deceases of the inexperienced person.


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