
June 23, 2018 Law

You are here! Theseus: My darling. You look touching like a rose in midsummer today! Theseus: My dear beauty. Do you like our wedding decoration? I took great pain to manage it. Hippolyta: Of course. My sweet heart. (Egeus on) Egeus: My lord! The great Duke of Athens! I have a petition for you! Theseus: Well, my friend Egeus. Come with me, let’s talk about it in my office. Egeus: I demand my daughter respect my wishes. Theseus: What do you want your daughter to do? (Egeus and Hermia on)

Egeus: My daughter, my Hermia! I order you must get married with Demetrius, a real gentleman in my eyes! Hermia: I’m sorry, Dad! I won’t. He is a good man. But all of my heart is belongs to Lysander! Egeus: Lysander? The businessman’s son Lysander? How could he compare with Demetrius! My daughter is from the royalty. Her husband should be educated and rich. Not someone who met in the street! Hermia: Oh! Dad! Demetrious loves my friend, Helena, and she, a sweet lady also loves him deeply. Egeus: whatever you say, I’ve decided to let you marry to Demetrious. I am your father and I have the right!

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You are my daughter, you do what I say! Hermia: I won’t marry to a man I don’t love! To have a marriage without love. I ‘d rather to die! Egeus: As your wish, if you don’t marry Demetrious, I’ll use the ancient right of Athens, asking to put you to death according to our law! (Lysander on) Lysander: My love! My heart! What’s wrong with you? Why you cry so sad? Your tear is steaming like a fountain. Hermia: My father said that unless I marry Demetrious, or he’ll let me to die! Lysander: Calm down and listen to me. Tomorrow night, I’ll wait for you in the woods. Let’s go eloping, let’s run away from the sad city.

Hermia: My Lysander, my love. I will fallow you the end of the world! Oh my love, I love you so! (Helena on) Helena: Hello! Hermia. My best friend who is in sweet love now! Hermia: Oh! Helena. I’m so glad to see you, my friend! Helena: You are so happy because you have two men who are in seething love with you! Oh why! Why I can’t get Demetrius’s love! Hermia: Good news for you! Tomorrow night Lysander and I will fly this place. Demetrius will never see me any more. We’ll meet in the wood. Please give us your benediction and don’t tell to others! Bye my best friend! Helena: Oh! Why she is always so lucky! No!

I will go tell Demetrius of fair Hermia’s plan, and then he’ll go to pursue her. and I can see his handsome face again. 2 The wood was a favorite meeting place of that little fairies. Tonight puck is holding a party. But the queen of the fairies’ coming broke the peace night. (Oberon and Titania on) Oberon: My queen, proud Titania, I meet you again under the moonlight. Titania: What! My jealous Oberon! I know what you are thinking now. Fairies! Take the boy far away from him! Oberon: Wait, foolish fairy, why do you oppose me so? Give me th at little boy to be my slave. Titania: Set your heart at rest, you cannot buy the boy even use your whole kingdom! Oberon: Well, go away! Before tomorrow dawn, I will make you apologize  to me for your rude tonight! Where are you! my gentle Puck. Puck: I’m here, my lord. Oberon: Fetch me the magic flower which called Love in Idleness; the power of the beautiful flower can make Titania loves anything she looks first after she weak up. Puck: I’ll do that very well. Believe me. Oberon: Somebody is coming, who he is? Let’s stay and have a look. (Demetrious and Helena on) Demetrious: I don’t love you at all, why are you following me now? Where are Lysander and Hermia? You told me they are there, but I ca n’t meet my Hermia.

Go away and follow me no more. Helena: You said you love me, you hard-hearted stone! Demetrious: The past is past, I said I love you a long time ago. But now, I found you are so ugly and noisy. I cannot love you any more! Helena: And even for that do I love you the more. Please let me follow you ev en I am like your dog. Demetrious: I am sick when I do look on you! Helena: And I am sick when I look not on you. Demetrious: Let me go. Cause I’m so hate you! Helena: Don’t leave me alone. Please stay, though you kill me. Oberon: The poor girl! I have to help her. Welcome, my friend, has you get the flower? Puck: Ay, there it is.

Don’t you love Hermia? Lysander: I don’t love her at all. For me, she is just a black raven, and you ar a white dove. Helena: Oh! Why was I born to be mocked and though nothing of by everyone ? Is it not enough, young man? That a lady, of one man refused, should of an other be so abused! Lysander: All my power, address your love and might to honor Helena and to be her knight Hermia: Lysander! Lysander! Where do you go? No sound? No word! If you h ear me, please talk to me! I swoon almost with fear. But, where do you go? (Demetrious on) Demetrious: you are here, my dear Hermia! I found you for a long time.

Hermia: Do you see my Lysander? Demetrious: who care? I would like to give his carcass to my hounds. Hermia: Out, dog! Do you really kill him? You are a devil! Demetrious: Don’t be angry! You know, I don’t kill him. Hermia: I won’t believe you at all! Lysander, I’m sure I will find you! Demetrious: She is so angry. I’d better stop following her. I have to take a rest . To night is too tired! (Oberon and Puck on) Oberon: Did you finish your work, Puck? Puck: Sure, I did. And the woman is by his side: when he waked, of course sh e must be eyed. Oberon: Hey! He is there! What did you do? Why does the cruel man still slee p here?

You must made mistake! Puck: Did I? Oh, I’m sorry. Oberon: It’s ok, now you can finish it. Just be careful, do not make mistake again. (Bottom on) Bottom: Oh no! I lost my way. Where are you, my friends? This joke is rally awful and terrible! Oberon: This fellow is the best choice to be my hastiness’ true love. Wait, let me dress him with an ass’s head. Bottom: Hello! Is anyone here? My friends throw me away. Puck: How interesting! Bottom: It seems that there is no one. I think I’d better go forward. Bottom: How tired I am! Who can help me? Titania: Ah! What a cute angel is that I see! Are you as wise as you are beautiful?


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