The Tiger and the Pig: Comparing two poems Essay

August 8, 2017 General Studies


After taking portion in a treatment in category about two verse forms. William Blake’s’ ‘The Tiger’ published in 1794 and ‘View of a Pig’ by Ted Hughes published in the 1960’s.

Question 1

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How make the poets’ attitudes to their several animate beings differ? First I think that in Hughes’ ‘View of a Pig’ . it seems the poet has a sort of morbid captivation with the carcase of the animate being. This is derived from the fact that there is a subject of unresponsiveness repeated throughout the verse form. He seems fascinated with the ‘deadness’ of the hog. ‘Set in decease. seemed non merely dead’ . ‘It was excessively dead’ and ‘too lifelessly factual’ . Such strong imagination of nothingness felt towards the hog. In ‘The Tiger’ by Blake. the poet has more of an idealized position but an machination towards the tiger. This is shown by the reverberation of inquiries throughout the verse form. This makes his admiration and involvement clear. He besides has the topmost regard for The Tiger. ‘what immortal manus or oculus. Could border thy fearful symmetricalness? ’ Here I believe the poet is inquiring what sort of ‘Being’ created him. God or the Devil? They have created something so fearful and yet so beautiful. Again this is in contrast to The Pig in Hughes’ verse form. The poet says ‘It was non a figure of merriment. ‘Too dead to commiseration. ’ The Pig in his head has become meaningless. I believe he has no feelings at all towards The Pig. Whereas Hughes is in entire awe of The Tiger. this charming. fire like animate being.

Question 2

What words/phrases do the poets use to propose the power or deficiency of that their animate beings possess? In Hughes ‘View of a Pig’ . ‘like a poke of wheat. I thumped it…’ Shows a solid. ( shown with the poke of wheat ) discourtesy for The Pig who can no longer contend back. The ‘lifeless’ ball of meat. no longer an animate being or something to be respected. Poundage of lard and porc. ’ This once more reenforcing that The Pig is no longer an animate being. a living animal. He is now merely nutrient. portion of the nutrient concatenation and at the underside of that concatenation. He is powerless. In ‘The Tiger’ . once more the antonym is evident. I think the most revealing of sentences is in the first stanza which sets the mocking about childlike awe and excitement which the poet holds The Tiger in. ‘…burning bright’ . This repeated once more in the concluding stanza substantiates the poets’ belief in the power of the tiger. the ‘fire’ in his eyes. Wordss such as ‘hammer’ . ‘furnace’ and ‘anvil’ are used raising a ocular of a blacksmith. tough. working difficult to organize this strong animal. metal intensions giving the sense of verve and hardness.

Question 3

What do you believe each of the poets’ likes about his peculiar animate being? I think that in ‘The Tiger’ I wouldn’t merely state that he likes The Tiger. I would travel as far to state he reveres it. he loves everything about the animate being. its enigma and strength. Again. mentioning to the repeat of inquiries throughout the verse form. sentences such as. ‘On what wings daring he draw a bead on? What manus daring prehend the fire? ’ gives The Tiger a stylised godlike kernel. Was he made in Heaven or Hell? ‘What immortal manus or oculus. Could border thy fearful symmetry’ . is another allusion to its etherealness but besides shows his worship for the perfect ‘symmetry’ of the animal.

The Pig in Hughes verse form once more shows the apposition of the feeling of the two poets towards their several animate beings. With enunciation such as ‘bulk’ used and non organic structure. ‘its weight laden me’ demoing the problem this ‘thing’ is doing him. ‘The problem of cutting it up! ’ This shows an exclaiming of arrant disdain for covering with The Pig. I think the most revealing of words used in Hughes verse form for his feelings towards The Pig is summed up with this one word. ‘doorstep’ . To me this shows that The Pig is nil more than something to be walked upon. Something inanimate. something merely to be used for said person’s desire. This gives really strong imagination of disgust felt towards the hog. something ‘below’ the poet.

In drumhead I think that both these verse forms are really different in the positions and experiencing depicted towards the poets’ several animate beings. This is obvious from get downing to stop in both verse forms.


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