Literary Criticism- Brave New World by Aldous Huxley Essay

July 28, 2018 General Studies

A Utopia is a universe that is wholly controlled by the authorities. The authorities controls every facet of life in a Utopia. and hence everyone is ever happy. In the novel “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley the scene is a utopia. In this universe people are invariably happy. babes are cloned. and. ‘everyone belongs to everyone else. ’ The unfavorable judgment which I chose was written by Margaret Cheney Dawson. on February 7th. 1932. The statement that Margaret makes is that Brave New World is a. “lugubrious and bumbling piece of propaganda. ” The critic is stating that through the book Brave New World. Aldous Huxley is advancing. and seeking to sell a Utopian authorities. I agree with this statement because throughout the book there are illustrations that prove that Aldous Huxley thinks that a Utopian universe is a good thought. besides through his authorship Huxley is connoting that a Utopian universe is the lone manner humanity can last.

The most obvious manner that Huxley promotes a Utopia in his novel. is through the words of a character. When the Savage. John. is speaking to the World Controller. Mustapha Mond about the “brave new world” which they live in Mond says.

“They like it. It’s visible radiation. it’s childishly simple. No strain on the mindor the musculuss. Seven and a half hours of mild unexhaust-ing labour. and so the haoma ration and games andunrestricted sexual intercourse and the feelies. What more can they inquire for? ” ( Huxley 204 ) .

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I think that the words of this statement by Mond is a really large statement because Huxley is coming out and categorically stating that there is non one bad thing about a Utopian universe. He says that it satisfies everyone’s demands. and that no 1 is of all time unhappy because they do non hold a ground to be unhappy. I besides think that Huxley is seeking to do the statement even stronger because the character who said it. Mustapha Mond. is the most of import individual in the Utopian universe. He is a swayer with much cognition.

The other cogent evidence that this book is propaganda is isolationism. non suiting in. and non being the same as everyone else. These are some of the jobs that we experience and struggle with in our lives. Huxley sees this and tries to sell us the thought of a Utopian universe by demoing that sameness is good. and difference is non good. In the book two characters feel isolated. and different so the remainder. Bernard Marx. and John the Savage. Bernard’s isolationism is shown when Bernard does non see “the coming” and the solidarity service while everyone else does. “He was miserably isolated now as he had been when the service began- more stray by ground of his unreplenished emptiness. his dead repletion. Separate and unatoned. while the others were being fused into the Greater Being. ” ( Huxley 76-77 ) . Through this I believe that Huxley is stating that being different. and experiencing different is non a good thing.

Although this is a really strong message that Huxley conveys. there is one that is much stronger. John’s battles are much greater because he is much different from the remainder of society. At the terminal of the fresh toilet commits suicide by hanging himself. “Slowly. really easy. like two unhurried compass acerate leafs. the pess turned towards the right ; north. north-east. E. south-east. south. south-south-west. so paused. and after a few seconds. turned as unhurriedly back towards the left. South-south-west. South. south-east. east…” ( Huxley 237 ) . This quotation mark is explicating how toilet is hanging. after he committed suicide. This signifier of propaganda is really strong because the reader starts to contemplate whether diverseness and difference in the universe truly is such a good thing. Through these two quotation marks Huxley is besides seeking to turn out to us that sameness is good because everyone is happy. this is why this book is propaganda.

I do agree with the critics argument that Brave New World is a heavy handed piece of propaganda because we see illustrations throughout the book that Aldous Huxley thinks that a Utopian authorities is the ideal manner of life. Besides Huxley implies that sameness is desired instead so being alone and different. I think that Margaret Cheney Dawson hits the kitty with her thesis which states that Brave New universe is a heavy handed piece of propaganda. I wholly agree with her. and through the illustrations my beliefs were merely reinforced.


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