Theories Of Leadership In Tata Group Management Essay

October 4, 2017 Management


Leadership is integrated portion of our life. Harmonizing to corporate head and former US presidential campaigner Ross Perot, “ the rules of leading are timeless because, in a quickly changing universe, human nature remains a changeless ” . We all experience leading in our life from early childhood in our households, through friendly relationships, societal and athleticss activities, school & A ; higher instruction, to politics & A ; authorities and of class in our work, we all recognize leading in other people and frequently in ourselves. In authorities, planetary corporations and little concerns likewise, the leading function is going more demanding, more unfastened to scrutiny and more hard [ Roger Gill ] .

The development of leading theory besides parallels the development of organisational theory. The bureaucratic signifier of concern organisation is characterized by ‘laissez-faire leading ‘ – whereby alleged leaders tend to avoid taking a base, disregard jobs, non follow up, and chorus from step ining – or transactional leading, in which leaders practise direction by exclusion, concentrating merely on divergences from what is required, and contingent wages, honoring people ( either materially or psychologically ) for accomplishing what is required. The outgrowth of the post-bureaucratic signifier of organisation in the late 19th century reflects the development of the construct of transformational leading.

Theory & A ; Approaches to Leadership:

Many Leadership theories and attacks have been evolved around Style, Trait, Behaviour, Situational and Charisma. Many research workers made attempts associating some of the theories across these leading attacks. However each leading theoretical account has its virtue, premises and restrictions. Most recent researches are conducted on Situational & A ; Transformational leading manners. Assorted leading Gurus presented new theoretical accounts as fluctuations to the already bing theoretical accounts. Max Weber, MacGregor, Bass, Bennis & A ; Nanus are some of the most of import research workers in the country of transformational leading. However the difference between transactional and transformational leading is critical in acquiring the whole construct of transformational leading theory. In general, a relationship between two people is based on the degree of exchange they have. Exchange need non be money or stuff ; it can be anything. The more exchange they have the stronger the relation. Manager ‘s expects more productiveness from employee in order to give good wagess. In this manner, if something is done to anyone based on the return so that relation is called as ‘Transactional ‘ type. In concern, leaders announce wagess in bend to the productiveness. These dealingss are all about demands, conditions and wagess. In life, at one point of clip, things happen without outlook from other side. Transformational Leaders work toward a common end with followings ; put followings in forepart and develop them ; take followings ‘ to following degree ; inspire followings to exceed their ain opportunisms in accomplishing superior consequences [ ] . Table 1, given below shows Bass ‘s full scope theoretical account of leading.

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Table 1

Leadership Approach in TATA Group:

TATA Group founded in 1868, is an Indian transnational pudding stone headquartered in Mumbai, India. The Group has more than 500,000 employees spread over six continents ( more than 80 states ) . TATA Group current market capitalisation estimated deserving $ 80bn and is the largest private corporate group in India. TATA Group is biggest employer in UK, using more than 50,000 people. TATA Group has chief involvements in communications, IT, technology, stuffs, services, energy, consumer merchandises and chemicals. Its current president, Ratan Tata is the most influential concern leaders in India ‘s and the universe ‘s most influential individual right now. The Tata Group is known for its valued concern moralss and corporate administration.

Leadership Development in TATA Group:

TATA Group has long standing leading plan in its system. Their leading plan is based in British administrative service theoretical account. TATA ‘s leading development programme purposes at preparing the directors of today into the leaders of tomorrow. The leading development programme conceived by JRD Tata, the late president of TATA group in 1950 ‘s. The thought behind the leading programme known as Tata Administrative Services ( TAS ) was to choose and prepare immature directors, supply them chance for professional growing, and do them leaders of tomorrow. This is TATA ‘s in-house programme and has end is to supply preparation to high performing artists, act as a cradle of alteration and develop the leading qualities. Most of the TATA Group companies are traditionally led by these groomed leaders.

Apparent Leadership in TATA Group:

The TATA Group leading manner has been rather consistent since its being manner back to 1868. The TATA Group has incorporated more leading alterations which are indispensable in current environment to drive towards to be more competitory. In footings of leading manner, TATA Group has adopted a team-led civilization and corporate attack. With Ratan Tata as leader of the Group, the direction manner of the full TATA Group has changed well ; trust became a immense aspect and subject of the group. Ratan Tata has put a complete organizational restructuring when he took over in 1991 as leader of the TATA Group, by taking a more matrix-style attack edifice squads. These alterations would hold evidently transformed a batch in the concern, senior directors would hold had to be on their toes and flexibleness and adaptability became indispensable qualities to hold. The leading changed from a centralised, bid Centre to a much more distributed signifier with employees and all directors basking greater duty and cognition about the Group, which would hold in bend ; motivated them to work harder and as a group.

From typical leading theoretical accounts available such as the McGregor Theory X and Y ; where a theory X director believes workers dislike work, are non originative and avoid all duty while a theory Y director believes that workers get every bit much enjoyment from work as they can deduce with leisure, accept duty and are originative ; it can be seen from this, that Ratan Tata wanted all his directors to be modelled as closely to Theory Y and he himself could be called a Theory Y director. He encouraged directors to be advanced and portion all their thoughts, confer withing actively with them and giving them more duty and significantly encouraged team-working.

Five Factor Model ( Big Five ) :

Emotional Stability: Ratan Tata has really low anxiousness within him and has great sense of security with his future leading.

Extraversion: Even being a unmarried man Ratan Tata is really sociable. He has produced really positive affect on future leading of TATA Group.

Openness: He believes in originality and versatility. By doing ?1200/- auto he has shown his great involvement with and invention seeking personality.

Agreeableness: Within his direction squad Ratan Tata is good sure and really friendly.

Conscientiousness: He is really dutifulness. He spent most of his life working for TATA Group without any self-interest. He is really good organised every bit good.

Style ( Behaviour ) Theory in TATA Group:

As per manner theory, there are three types of leading theoretical accounts are apparent in leading. These are as follows.




Ratan Tata is a leader who engages more democratic manner of leading attack. However at old juncture has used other two sort of manner as good. He is more democratic because he ever encourages his group leading to be making good communicating and engagement. Future leading are good informed about future scheme and they are really good engaged in determination devising procedure. Most of the group long-run and short-run schemes are formulated by the lower rank of the leading. They are treated as interest holders. Until now TATA Group has got leading within them. Ratan Tata has on occasion shown some signifier of bossy manner of leading. Sometimes when needed particularly when speedy and informed determinations have to be taken, but he is ne’er excessively commanding in his nature, being a adult male of few words and being more of a adult male of action, this is apparent from the mode he sharply pushes for bold international trades, such as during the planetary acquisitions of concern human dynamos such as Corus, Jaguar and Land Rover, and Tetley Tea. One of his senior leading squad member, Muthuraman ( Executive Director ) refers him “ Ratan was the main designer of the Corus trade. I was worried about the magnitude and the sum of money. But he instilled assurance. ”

In day-to-day everyday affairs and in developing the leading, Ratan Tata besides uses aspects of the Laissez-Faire theoretical account such as the deputation of of import responsibilities and decision-making, he besides does non in any manner interfere with any director ‘s operation, he might do a wide strategic appraisal but he does non interfere in operational issues and inside informations, this shows that he has complete trust and religion in his directors and believes in their ability, this quotation mark from Gopalakrishnan, an executive manager of the company, shows how much value Ratan Tata topographic points on his trust, this can be extremely actuating for directors and workers likewise, “ I remember what Ratan told us at a meeting. He said that he will go on to swear all his directors, but one time they lose that trust, he will travel after them. I think that is a really just trade. ”

Max Weber ‘s Leadership Model in TATA Group:

Looking at Max Weber ‘s Transactional and Transformational Leadership theoretical accounts, where a leader is classed in three signifiers which are Bureaucratic, Charismatic and Traditional, where a bureaucratic leader is one who is ever bound by the set regulation and does non desire to travel beyond them ; a Traditional leader is one who does and follows everything from a long yesteryear or history and ever loyally obeys these ‘traditions ‘ ; a Charismatic leader is one who uses his ain awards or abilities to animate and is one who can be described as radically opposed to administrative regulations and legal rules. From these theoretical accounts, Ratan Tata falls into the Charismatic signifier because he is one who leads by illustration, coming up with extremely advanced thoughts such as ?1200 ( Rs. One Lakh ) auto the ‘Nano ‘ , budget hotels or low-end tickers, he brought extremist alteration to the Tata Group as a whole, altering it from its ‘Traditional ‘ mentality to new more flexible and adaptative cultural mentality.

Bennis & A ; Nanus Transformational Leadership Model in TATA Group:

We can see from Bennis and Nanus ‘s Transformational Leadership theoretical account that the transformational leaders groom their followings into self-empowered leaders and their chief focal point is to joint vision and values clearly so the freshly self-empowered leaders know where to travel. Their traits include logical thought, continuity, authorization and self-denial. Benniss and Nanus has evolved the theoretical account which accent on the four I ‘s of Transformational leading, which are

Idealised Influence ( being a function theoretical account )

Inspirational Motivation ( making a squad spirit, actuating and supply a challenge )

Intellectual Stimulation ( invention and creativeness )

Individual Consideration ( mentoring and supplying support for followings )

Ratan Tata, Chairman of the TATA Group has been proved a true transformational leader. We can see all I ‘s built-in in Ratan Tata. He is the leader with great vision hence he knows right attack to prepare future leading. He has implemented the squad spirit in whole group at every degree. He empowers all his directors and executives and has complete religion in them, he is highly advanced and is credited for much of the Group ‘s new merchandises, he places a great trade of importance to his R & A ; D section and he decidedly cares deeply about the public assistance of all his employees and directors. During the Mumbai ‘s terrorist onslaught in Taj Hotel, he took front line in taking at the clip of crises. In his vision statement he articulated “ One hundred old ages from now, I expect TATA Group to be much bigger, of class, than it is now. More significantly, I hope the Group comes to be regarded as being the best in India. Best in the Manner in which we operate, best in the merchandises we deliver and best in our value system and moralss. Having said that, I hope that a hundred old ages from now we will distribute our wings far beyond India, that we become a planetary group, runing in many states, as Indian concern pudding stone that is at place in the universe, transporting the same set of trust as we do today ” [ ] .

As a leader of a planetary concern group, Ratan Tata knows the ferocious competition experienced by his concern imperium. He makes all attempt to do his concern competitory at planetary degree. Through transformational leading procedure TATA Group has made their procedures and engineering up to day of the month. Once Ratan Tata said to his directors in his vision address “ A company or concern which remains inactive is a concern that will decease ; a company that invariably alterations and accepts that there are better ways to make things than the manner they are done today, is a company that will last in the planetary market that we face. ” From this statement we can deduce that he knows the importance of developing a good leading within group to take TATA Group to new highs. Ratan Tata involves scheme in leading. He is a deep mind and a superb strategian as is described by one of his Executive Directors, Alan Rosling, “ He is a deep mind and highly strategic. He is ever 2-3 stairss in front ” . Ratan Tata is a adult male of strong unity, moralss and valued rules. He cultivated the same across the TATA Group companies. One of his companies CEO said “ Tata has shown that there is no other manner he will make concern other than do it ethically. ” He believes in strong value based leading attack in making concern. Ratan Tata has led the TATA Group to transforming from local concern group to go a planetary leader.


Ratan Tata of the Tata Group is a more sort of transformational leader. He made Tata Group as planetary trade name. He has provided inspiration to leaders within his ain company. In Tata Group leaders are engaged in determination devising at every degree. Ratan Tata has successfully led and motivated its CEO/MD of the group companies to be ambitious. He has ever adopted a ethical attack in group concern.

Ratan Tata has adopted a direction by consensus manner. He stated one time “ When a figure of individuals are involved I am decidedly a consensus adult male, but that does non intend that I do non differ or that I do non show my positions. Basically it is a inquiry of holding to cover with single work forces heading different endeavors. You have to accommodate yourself to their ways and trade consequently and pull out the best in each adult male. If I have any virtue it is acquiring on with persons harmonizing to their ways and features. I have dealt with a hundred top managers and I have got on with all of them. At times it involves stamp downing yourself. It is painful but necessary. To be a leader you have got to take human existences with fondness ” . Ratan Tata has ability to descry the endowment. And one time he has confident that a director will execute, he gave him a long rope.

Leading a big group of companies in the yearss of fast altering concern scenario of altering ordinances, increasing competition and opening up of economic system could be an backbreaking challenge for many. Leading the house through these times and four-folding the group ‘s grosss could be a dream. Making this requires clear vision, unconditioned strong belief, ability to animate and steer along the manner. Ratan Tata established himself to be the right leader who has helped the company canvas through the disruptive Waterss and make the coveted lands. These marks ne’er existed or were thought non executable by the company before. This all achieved because of the inspiring leading.

Appendix: Mention List

DBS Managing People Lecture Notes

Roger Gill, “ Theory and Practice of Leadership ” , Sage Publication, 2006

Robins, S.P & A ; Judge T.A ( 2010 ) 10th Edition, Essentials of Organizational Behaviour, Pearson, ISBN 0-13-815763-4

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Airy Leadership: Making a Compelling Sense of Direction for Your Organization ( Jossey Bass Business and Management Series ) : Burt Nanus

Tata Group – Annual Reports ( 1991 -2011 )


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