How the Processes Used by Own Work Setting or Service Comply with Legislation?

February 11, 2017 Business

1.5 Tassoni P states, ???The Data Protection Act 1998 covers personal information about individuals which held by organisations. Any business holds a huge amount of information about its staff, the people it does business with and possible customers. They have to keep information in a safe way that ensures other people do not get hold of it???. Pg 114 In work settings staff would be aware of the confidentiality policy which complies with the data protection act. This policy ensures that all practitioners working in a setting can do so with confidence, they will respect confidentiality in many ways such as, Information about children will be shared with parents but only about their child. Parents should not have access to any other child??™s books, marks and progress at any time, especially at parents??™ evening. However, parents should be aware that information about their child will be shared with the receiving school when they change school. All
Personal information about children, including social services records should be regarded as confidential. It should be clearly understood by those who have access to it, and whether those concerned have access to all, or only some of the information. Practitioners will not discuss individual children with people other than the parents/carers of that child, information given by parents/carers to practitioners will not be passed on to third parties, Personnel issues will remain confidential to the people involved, Any anxieties/evidence relating to a childs personal safety will be kept in a confidential file and will not be shared within the setting except for the childs key worker and Manager.


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